Church of Santa Maria Assunta - San Salvatore di Fitalia

The village of San Salvatore has a particularity that distinguishes it from the other municipalities in the area. It has two Mother Churches which were once administered by two distinct ecclesiastical organs: the dioceses of Patti and Messina. Opposite the Basilica of SS. Salvatore there is the Mother Church of Santa Maria. Built in the sixteenth century, the church is characterized externally by the simple facade and the bell tower of the twentieth century. The interior, with a Latin cross and a single nave, preserves valuable works, first of all the wonderful marble triptych sculpted in 1530 by Antonello Gagini on commission by Domenico Franchina depicting the Virgin among the Saints. Peter and Paul. The main altar is characterized by the beautiful eighteenth-century organ and the gilded wooden ciborium carved by the Allò di Mirto. The chapels of the crucifix and the Madonna del Rosario are interesting.
