Church of Maria SS. Dell'Aracoeli - San Marco d'Alunzio

Built in the twelfth century, after the expulsion of the Saracens from San Marco D’Alunzio, the Church of Maria SS. by Ara Coeli it was restored and enlarged in 1494 and 1630. The sacred building has a magnificent Baroque portal with monolithic fluted columns carved in local red marble, embellished with scrolls and floral decorations. The interior, with three naves divided by red marble columns, has a real vaulted ceiling and several chapels where you can admire important works such as the wooden crucifix by Mastro Simioni Livolsi, sculptor of Tusa, kept in the chapel transept on the right between putti, angels and marble statues of the Serpottian school and the Chapel of SS. Sacramento with its gilded wooden tabernacle by Don Corrado Oddo, located on the left. The marble altar dedicated to the Madonna Assunta is also of considerable value.
