Holy Water Church - Alcara li Fusi

In Cammara, in the open countryside on the slopes of Rocca Calanna, there is the Church of Acquasanta. In this place, very dear to the Alcaresi, there is a small circular chapel in dry stone inside which, in front of a statuette of San Nicolò Politi surrounded by two descending stairways, there is a large boulder. Below the boulder, in a deep niche, you can see a pool of pure and crystal clear water that flows from an undetectable spring. According to the hagiography of the patron saint, it was he who, thirsty during the journey from Adrano to Alcara, after having implored the Lord, received the suggestion to beat his cruciate stick on that stone to bring forth the source of water. Acquasanta is a heartfelt pilgrimage site where, in the first days of May, a mass is celebrated in honor of the Saint Anacoreta.
